
September 28, 2016

Hello Autumn!

Today I noticed something different in the air. It's a little cooler than it has been for quite some time. We still have two months of hurricane season, but I can now open the windows in the morning to let some nice fresh air into the house and listen to the mockingbirds joyfully sing. My dwarf poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) has become quite an attraction to monarch butterflies. And while the rainy season is still with us and the weeds are still growing like crazy, it is much more pleasant to actually spend time in the garden.

Stores have already begun to sell holiday merchandise, from Halloween costumes to Thanksgiving centerpieces and even artificial Christmas trees. It is really too early for me to be thinking about Christmas, or even Thanksgiving, but now that autumn has arrived, I thought I would make a "to do" list for the season. Here is what I came up with:

  • Get out for a morning walk at least a couple times each week. I can use the exercise, and the fresh air will help wake me up for a productive day.
  • Tidy up the landscaping. After a summer of rampant growth, some plants need trimmed back a little, and weeds need to be brought under control. So I will try to set aside some time to tackle this task. I would also like to plant a few of my favorite herbs, like parsley and basil. Fresh herbs, are so much more flavorful than the dried ones you buy in bottles.
  • Reassess my ten item wardrobe. I need to decide what to keep, what to let go, and what I will need to make or buy. I have been saying over and over that I need a nice red jacket for patriotic days and Christmas time. So I think I may get out the sewing machine and get to work on that. And speaking of sewing machines...
  • Organize my sewing and art supplies. I have always worked on the dining room table, picking up and putting away, and spending half my time searching for equipment when I get the notion to sew or paint. This is unproductive and frustrating, to say the least. Recently, I was given a brand new sewing machine, complete with table. I need to create an efficient work space, which will certainly result in more artistic endeavors.
  • Begin planning menus again. Back in the days when I was cooking for seven, I planned our meals for the week and carefully shopped for what we needed. This was necessary for budgetary reasons, as well as feeding a family with very busy schedules. Now that I am mostly cooking for two, I haven't been as diligent in the area of menu planning. I would like to try some new recipes and add a little variety to our diet. So I think I will dig out some cookbooks, organize my recipe cards, and develop a better system than flying by the seat of my pants!

I'm sure I will think of other ideas as the season progresses, and as the holidays draw closer, I will begin thinking about them, too. But this list should get me started and keep me busy for a while. Do you have any special projects or goals for fall? Let's get to work!

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