
September 29, 2016

Coffee Break: A Morning Walk

I'm not much of a morning person, but today I decided to go out for a morning walk. It was a little warmer than yesterday, so I worked up a sweat as I went along. The water in the canal was smooth as glass, reflecting the trees and sky like a mirror.

A hawk sat proudly atop a utility pole, intimidating the monk parakeets and other birds nearby. Three Egyptian geese flew along the water, looking like they were in a hurry to reach some unknown destination. 

A great egret fished for his breakfast.

And dragonflies darted about and rested on blades of grass.

I walked two miles, enough to get the blood flowing and wake me up. And now, after a good cup of coffee, I'm ready to tackle my day!

September 28, 2016

Hello Autumn!

Today I noticed something different in the air. It's a little cooler than it has been for quite some time. We still have two months of hurricane season, but I can now open the windows in the morning to let some nice fresh air into the house and listen to the mockingbirds joyfully sing. My dwarf poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) has become quite an attraction to monarch butterflies. And while the rainy season is still with us and the weeds are still growing like crazy, it is much more pleasant to actually spend time in the garden.

Stores have already begun to sell holiday merchandise, from Halloween costumes to Thanksgiving centerpieces and even artificial Christmas trees. It is really too early for me to be thinking about Christmas, or even Thanksgiving, but now that autumn has arrived, I thought I would make a "to do" list for the season. Here is what I came up with:

  • Get out for a morning walk at least a couple times each week. I can use the exercise, and the fresh air will help wake me up for a productive day.
  • Tidy up the landscaping. After a summer of rampant growth, some plants need trimmed back a little, and weeds need to be brought under control. So I will try to set aside some time to tackle this task. I would also like to plant a few of my favorite herbs, like parsley and basil. Fresh herbs, are so much more flavorful than the dried ones you buy in bottles.
  • Reassess my ten item wardrobe. I need to decide what to keep, what to let go, and what I will need to make or buy. I have been saying over and over that I need a nice red jacket for patriotic days and Christmas time. So I think I may get out the sewing machine and get to work on that. And speaking of sewing machines...
  • Organize my sewing and art supplies. I have always worked on the dining room table, picking up and putting away, and spending half my time searching for equipment when I get the notion to sew or paint. This is unproductive and frustrating, to say the least. Recently, I was given a brand new sewing machine, complete with table. I need to create an efficient work space, which will certainly result in more artistic endeavors.
  • Begin planning menus again. Back in the days when I was cooking for seven, I planned our meals for the week and carefully shopped for what we needed. This was necessary for budgetary reasons, as well as feeding a family with very busy schedules. Now that I am mostly cooking for two, I haven't been as diligent in the area of menu planning. I would like to try some new recipes and add a little variety to our diet. So I think I will dig out some cookbooks, organize my recipe cards, and develop a better system than flying by the seat of my pants!

I'm sure I will think of other ideas as the season progresses, and as the holidays draw closer, I will begin thinking about them, too. But this list should get me started and keep me busy for a while. Do you have any special projects or goals for fall? Let's get to work!

September 21, 2016

Coffee Break: Picking Posies

Remember when you were a child, and you picked pretty bouquets of flowers for your mom? In springtime, it was violets. In summer, it may have been dandelions. And in fall, it might even have been dried weeds that somehow struck your fancy. With a smile on your face and your hands behind your back, you would walk up to her and then sweetly present the little gift. You gave them to her for no other reason than you loved her and wanted to make her smile.

My mother loved wildflowers, and she passed her appreciation of nature on to me. This morning, instead of pulling weeds, I picked some posies. On this last day of summer, my little bouquet of blooms brightens my table as I remember Mom and her beautiful smile.

September 16, 2016

Weeds or Wildflowers?

Anyone who has done any gardening knows about weeds. Those pesky plants just seem to pop up everywhere you don't want them -- in the flower beds, among the vegetables, and along the garden path. They even spring up in the middle of a pristine lawn, ruining the effect of a beautiful carpet of green grass. Untold hours are spent pulling them out of the ground or spraying them with chemicals. We want to have beautifully manicured lawns and picture-perfect landscaping, with colorful blooms in just the right places. But inevitably, things will grow that we hadn't planned on.

I have lots of weeds in my garden, and they grow year-round. Instead of raking leaves, I pull weeds. Instead of shoveling snow, I pull weeds. And sometimes, when I just want to relax on my patio with a cold drink and a good book, I am taunted by the Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) invading my gardenias and the Spanish needle (Bidens alba) springing up in my Argentine ivy (Tradescantia microfolia). Fortunately, I prefer a more natural-looking landscape to an artificially clipped and snipped plot of land. To most people, these plants look like weeds. But upon further inspection, one will discover their beauty. These aren't weeds; they are wildflowers! It's simply a matter of perspective.

These tiny flowers may not look showy to a passer-by, but their colors and shapes are really very pretty. Honey bees buzz from blossom to blossom, collecting pollen to take back to their hives, and butterflies dance around, decorating the air with their jeweled wings. Ants and other  insects crawl on the leaves and stems, and lizards hop from one plant to the next to catch a tasty morsel. All this activity that goes unnoticed by the casual observer attracts birds who want to join in the fun. And then the birds splash about in the birdbath and sing from the trees. From the tiniest insect to the most colorful feathered friend, my garden is humming with activity -- all because of a few weeds.

Yes, weeds can be a nuisance. But wildflowers add to the abundance of life in my garden. And for that, I can be thankful! It's simply a matter of perspective!

September 14, 2016

Coffee Break: The Strawberry Tree

Every morning our golden retriever, Penny, and I go out in the back yard to "see what's going on". We usually play a little ball, and I check to make sure the birdbath is filled. I water the plants if necessary, and inspect the trees for pests. Penny follows along happily, chasing lizards and rolling in the grass. 

This morning, I picked a few berries from the strawberry tree to enjoy with my morning coffee. It's just a young tree that we planted a couple years ago; eventually, it should grow to about 25 feet. Also known as Jamaica cherry, the strawberry tree (Muntingia calabura) is so named because of its small, white flowers resembling those of a strawberry plant. 

The fruits are about the size of a blueberry. But the best part of all is the flavor! These little berries taste just like cotton candy! 

We discovered this tree on our first trip to Mounts Botanical Garden. You can read about our recent visit to this lovely oasis in the city here. As soon as I tasted one of the fruits from this tree, I just had to find one for my own back yard. A trip to our favorite nursery the following week proved to be successful, and we brought our strawberry tree home. Now, each time I put one of these little red berries in my mouth and taste its sweetness, I am reminded of that heavenly spun sugar and fun times at the fair -- a sweet memory of childhood!

September 7, 2016

Coffee Break (or Tea Time)

Usually I have a cup of hot coffee mid-morning with a small square of dark chocolate. It's just enough to give me a little boost before I dig into any serious projects. But yesterday, I got a sample tea bag from The Republic of Tea. The flavor is one that my friends have been anxiously awaiting these last few weeks -- that flavor that pops up in coffee shops each year when the weather begins to get a little cooler -- Pumpkin Spice! The beverage I am trying this morning is a black tea blended with a hint of pumpkin and spices reminiscent of pumpkin pie -- cinnamon, ginger, cardamon, and clove. Served with cream and a little sugar, it is delightful. This is a tea I may have to drink more often! In keeping with the autumn spice theme, I am enjoying a ginger snap cookie with my tea.

It's September. And while my northern friends are looking forward to the orange, red, and golden leaves of autumn, I am looking forward to the subtle changes of a South Florida fall. This is the time when Floridians plant their vegetable gardens. The royal poincianas are finishing their summer show of  brilliant orange flowers. And the birds will soon be packing their bags for their journey south, back to my garden. While many of you are looking forward to cozy times in front of the fireplace, I am looking forward to relaxing on the patio without melting in the heat. Instead of raking leaves, I will be pulling weeds.

Although the change in seasons is not as pronounced here as in other places, there is a different feeling in the air. Autumn is on its way. So while I sit here sipping my tea, I am thinking of fall. How can I welcome in the new season? It's time for a little change. Maybe I'll get a new plant for the front porch, or stitch up a few pillow covers for my sofa. And it's time to switch out my summer clothes for a new set of attire. For details on this procedure, check out my series of posts about The Ten Item Wardrobe.

Do you have any special rituals for autumn? How do you prepare for the change of seasons? Let's share a cup of pumpkin spice and get ready for fall!

September 6, 2016

Mounts Botanical Garden

As we pulled into the parking lot, I looked anxiously at the sky. We had driven 45 minutes to reach our destination, and now it looked like it was going to rain. I grabbed my umbrella just in case, and we walked to the entrance of Mounts Botanical Garden. Located so close to an international airport that the quiet beauty was sometimes interrupted by a large plane flying overhead, Mounts is an oasis of tropical and subtropical plants in the midst of the city. Its 14 acres are beautifully landscaped with over 2000 species of plants.

We strolled through the Rose and Fragrance Garden, filled with colorful flowers and plants that smelled as lovely as they looked. Ylang ylangs and gingers, bay rum trees and, of course, roses greeted us along the path. Two ladies worked in the garden, pulling a few weeds and tidying up, obviously enjoying their occupation. Butterflies flitted about happily and a pair of cardinals flashed their pretty feathers as they flew by.

The Garden of Well Being featured herbs, teas, and medicinal plants, as well as benches and a lovely fountain to soothe the soul. A Butterfly Garden was filled with plants for food and nectar to please the multitudes of butterflies it attracted.

There was a Begonia Garden, an Edible Landscape Garden, and a Tropical Cottage Garden. When a sudden rain started coming down, I opened my umbrella and we made our way to the Gazebo Garden for shelter. Preparations were being made there for an afternoon wedding. Fortunately, South Florida rains usually only last ten minutes or so, and that proved to be the case this time. Before long, the sun shone brightly, making for a hot, steamy walk. We passed by a Dry Stream Bed, created with both wet weather and the dry season in mind. 

We stepped into the Tropical Forest and breathed a sigh of relief from the heat as the shade of the trees sheltered us from the sun. Lush ferns, vines, and orchids decorated the trees, and benches invited us to sit and enjoy the cooler temperature. Birds chirped overhead, a raccoon sniffed about, and a few mosquitoes kept us moving. 

Mounts is filled with unusual plants and trees, and each time we visit, we see something new. This was where we first discovered the music notes plant that I described in my post, Music Notes. The variety of gardens here, from the Florida Native Plant Garden to the Mediterranean Garden to the Tropical Foliage Border inspires me to look at my own garden with fresh eyes. 

I am blessed to live in a subtropical paradise where so many interesting plants abound. But no matter where you live, God has made beauty and living things to enjoy -- if only you open your eyes!

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good...
Genesis 1:31 (ESV)

September 2, 2016

One Year of Blogging!

I can't believe it has been one year since I first launched Daily Divertissements! I started this blog as a way to share with others the blessings of life with thoughts, ideas, and encouragement. I have shared my musings and memories, plans and promises, and even a few challenges for my readers. Once in a while, a recipe found its way to this blog, usually with some sort of story behind it. I published poetry written by my mother many years ago. And one day, when a poem of my own popped into my head, I hurriedly typed it and added it to my blog. I posted pictures of God's creation and a few creations of my own. Daily Divertissements has been a blessing to me, and I hope it has blessed you, as well. My prayer is that, in some small way, you have been inspired to try something new, set a few goals, and see the beauty in each day.

If you have enjoyed Daily Divertissements, please share it with your friends and family! I have lots of ideas for the upcoming year, and I am looking forward to sharing them with you. Be sure to sign up to follow by email. That way, you'll never miss a post!

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, 
whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, 
if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 
Philippians 4:8 (ESV)