
September 16, 2015

Family of God

Yesterday was my baby's birthday. I didn't make him a cake or even sing "Happy Birthday" to him. You see, that "baby" is now a young man, in his second year away at college. But I know that he had a cake (or two) and celebrated the special occasion. His oldest sister, who lives a little closer than us, took him to a theme park for the weekend, and that was only the beginning. Because God has provided good Christian friends and a family that has made him feel welcome. He has a church home-away-from-home where he is able to use his talents to serve the Lord. And many of the people in our own church sent him birthday cards. He may have just four siblings, but his family is infinitely larger than that. He belongs to the family of God.

John 1:12 tells us, "To all who did receive him [Jesus],who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." No matter where we go, it seems, we find brothers and sisters who make us feel at home. We may have different backgrounds and interests, or even come from different countries., but we have one thing in common: the Lord Jesus Christ. Won't you join our family today?

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