
April 21, 2016

Sweet Perfume

On top of my dresser stand several bottles of perfume. Sparkling glass vessels of various shapes and colors are filled with beautiful scents. Some of them are warm and sensual; others are light and fresh. All of them are lovely.

My favorite fragrances, however, don't come from a bottle. They are the smells of the gardenias that bloom in my garden.  Or the Chinese perfume tree that mysteriously gives off its lemony scent from tiny yellow balls that grow in clusters on its branches. There is nothing like the smell of autumn leaves or freshly tilled soil or lilacs that bloom in the spring. From the heady fragrance of jasmine to the delicate scent of an orchid, the world is filled with sweet aromas. Even the salty air of the beach, or the freshness of the atmosphere after a storm invites one to breathe more deeply.

The perfumes on my dresser are but imitations of the scents of nature. I have had favorites from time to time. Many of them bring back memories of the past. They make me think of loved ones, or special moments, or adventures with my family. Some of them were expensive.

A long time ago, a woman named Mary had a bottle of costly perfume. It was her most precious possession, worth more than a year's wages. Mary took that bottle and poured it on Jesus' head and, in humility, washed his feet with her tears. Some people criticized her for such waste, indignantly proclaiming that the precious liquid should have been sold and the money given to the poor. But Jesus praised her act of devotion. He told his disciples that they would always have the poor among them, but that they would not always have him. Mary had her priorities in order. And because of her faith, he forgave her sins. Mary gave her treasure to Jesus, and Jesus gave her eternal life!

Oil and perfume make the heart glad,and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. Proverbs 27:9

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