
September 10, 2015

Try Something New

Yesterday I made a dress. It wasn't anything fancy or complicated, just a simple mock-wrap dress. I found the fabric on sale, practically just a remnant. There wasn't even enough of the material to make the dress, according to the pattern envelope. But with some wiggling around and careful placement, I managed to get the pieces to fit -- even matching the design pretty well!

It isn't perfect. Nothing ever is. But it turned out nice, and I was pleased with result. I made a few mistakes -- had to cut out one of the pieces twice and rip out a seam or two. But with a little perseverance and Mozart playing on the stereo, I managed to finish the thing. Sometimes sewing can be frustrating, but the sense of accomplishment I feel when a project is completed makes it worthwhile.

There is a quote by Albert Einstein on the little box that holds my pins:

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." 

Wise words from a pretty smart guy! Sometimes it's hard to get started. Other times, it's just plain scary. If we don't try new things, we may not make any mistakes, but we won't learn or achieve much, either! Is there something new that you would like to try? Why not give it a go?  

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