
November 10, 2015

A Peek Inside My Closet

Well, here it is: my ten item wardrobe for fall! My ten pieces include one dress, six skirts, and three blouses. I also have a few tee shirts and cardigans, which are on the shelf above the hanging garments. Everything coordinates, so I have at least twenty different outfits. One hanger holds two scarves that I can wear with some of the skirts and tops. There are two jackets hanging in the closet as well, although I probably will not be wearing them until winter, because it is too warm right now. I just liked the way they looked hanging there! The only shoes, belts, and handbags on display are those that will be worn with my ten items. This way, I won't have to search for things; everything I need is here, and nothing else. In fact, I don't even need to open the left side of the closet at all! My clothing for the season all fits on the right side!

I will disclose that I have a spare closet in another room for a few out of season dresses and evening gowns.

I have two bags of clothing to give to charity. I'm sure that I will have even more when I finish sorting through the out of season things. For now, I just boxed them up. I still haven't decided about that 40-year-old sweater! I really like the color, and it brings back memories of my first trip into the city with friends, for a day of shopping and exploring.

I replaced the old hangers with matching ones and purchased some storage boxes that were on sale. I had a roll of contact paper that I had gotten some time ago, and I decided to cover my shoe boxes with it to make them look pretty. Labels on the lids of each box tell me what is inside. Most of the storage boxes hold out of season clothes.

My plan is to change the items every three months for each season. Because I got started on this project a little late, the fall clothes won't be hanging here very long. With December right around the corner and the accompanying Christmas festivities, I will be changing a number of garments in just a few weeks. For now, I will enjoy my beautifully organized closet!