The place is filled with an abundance of wildlife. Marsh rabbits hop along the grassy banks, alligators swim in the water, butterflies flit among the flowers, and birds are everywhere. One stand of trees was filled with several species of warbler. Dead trees served as perches for great egrets, anhingas, wood storks, and hawks.
A beautiful red-shouldered hawk soared overhead. Two roseate spoonbills waded along the edge of the water, and a common snipe hid shyly in the grass. Turtles, whose shells were covered with algae, basked in the sun or swam in the water with their little noses poking up for air. And a tricolored heron walked along the rail of the boardwalk investigating the people who respectfully gave him space so he wouldn't be startled.
Before we left, we walked through the nature center, which has educational dioramas, posters, and films explaining the wildlife and the water cycle of Green Cay. Aerial photographs depict the development of the wetlands over the years; the change in the landscape in just a few short years is incredible! As we walked back to our car, we were serenaded by cicadas, and we finished our visit with a glimpse of the butterfly garden filled with milkweed, wild coffee, and beautyberry bushes.
Our Saturday morning was a peaceful, pleasant time. The fresh air and sunshine, and the music of insects and birds was much more rewarding than the dollars we may have saved on some unnecessary trinket from the mall. The beauty of God's creation is so much more lovely than the glitter of tinsel and flashing lights. Why not take some time this Christmas season to enjoy the blessings of the outdoors? Whether it is filled with snow or sunshine, you will be refreshed and restored. And best of all -- it's free!