As we pulled into the parking lot, I looked anxiously at the sky. We had driven 45 minutes to reach our destination, and now it looked like it was going to rain. I grabbed my umbrella just in case, and we walked to the entrance of Mounts Botanical Garden. Located so close to an international airport that the quiet beauty was sometimes interrupted by a large plane flying overhead, Mounts is an oasis of tropical and subtropical plants in the midst of the city. Its 14 acres are beautifully landscaped with over 2000 species of plants.
We strolled through the Rose and Fragrance Garden, filled with colorful flowers and plants that smelled as lovely as they looked. Ylang ylangs and gingers, bay rum trees and, of course, roses greeted us along the path. Two ladies worked in the garden, pulling a few weeds and tidying up, obviously enjoying their occupation. Butterflies flitted about happily and a pair of cardinals flashed their pretty feathers as they flew by.
The Garden of Well Being featured herbs, teas, and medicinal plants, as well as benches and a lovely fountain to soothe the soul. A Butterfly Garden was filled with plants for food and nectar to please the multitudes of butterflies it attracted.
There was a Begonia Garden, an Edible Landscape Garden, and a Tropical Cottage Garden. When a sudden rain started coming down, I opened my umbrella and we made our way to the Gazebo Garden for shelter. Preparations were being made there for an afternoon wedding. Fortunately, South Florida rains usually only last ten minutes or so, and that proved to be the case this time. Before long, the sun shone brightly, making for a hot, steamy walk. We passed by a Dry Stream Bed, created with both wet weather and the dry season in mind.
We stepped into the Tropical Forest and breathed a sigh of relief from the heat as the shade of the trees sheltered us from the sun. Lush ferns, vines, and orchids decorated the trees, and benches invited us to sit and enjoy the cooler temperature. Birds chirped overhead, a raccoon sniffed about, and a few mosquitoes kept us moving.
Mounts is filled with unusual plants and trees, and each time we visit, we see something new. This was where we first discovered the music notes plant that I described in my post,
Music Notes. The variety of gardens here, from the Florida Native Plant Garden to the Mediterranean Garden to the Tropical Foliage Border inspires me to look at my own garden with fresh eyes.
I am blessed to live in a subtropical paradise where so many interesting plants abound. But no matter where you live, God has made beauty and living things to enjoy -- if only you open your eyes!
And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good...
Genesis 1:31 (ESV)